Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Small Claims Court

Small Claim Court is a civil trial court. In Ontario, Small Claims Court is a division of the Superior Court of Justice.  
Unlike the Ontario Court of Justice and the Trial Division of the Superior Court of Justice, Small Claims Court has no criminal or quasi-criminal jurisdiction .

Jurisdiction-is a court area of legal authority. 

Small Claims court hears civil actions only-that is actions in which one party sues another party for some form of private relief. In Small Claims Court, the relieve sought is usually money. Small Clams Court also has jurisdiction to make orders for the return of property. 

For legal purposes, an action is a proceeding brought in a court. The persons involved in the action or proceeding are called the parties to the action. Parties to a civil action are also known as litigants because they are involved in civil litigation.  

The party who commence the action is called the plaintiff. The party who defends the action is called the defendant. There might be multiple plaintiffs, or co-plaintiffs, in an action, so long as relieve they are seeking from the defendant is base on a common set of facts or issues. There might be multiple defendants, or co-defendants, in an action, if the plaintiff has reason to believe that one or more persons may be liable for the relieve sought.